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As winter approaches everyone’s concerned about heating, about how to afford to heat businesses and homes when the UK’s electricity prices are so much higher than anywhere else in Europe. While the amount of energy produced renewably is increasing, the cost benefit isn’t passed down to users.
But there’s another environmental horror making waves right now, and it’s all down to air conditioning. As the climate heats up we need to keep cool, and traditional aircon is horribly energy-heavy. Can sustainable cooling help avert the coming crisis? Will re-thinking how to keep cool help tackle the cooling paradox? Let’s take a look at the facts.
At the moment we face a vicious circle. The heatwaves and extreme temperatures caused by the climate crisis are already forcing people in hotter countries to switch on their traditional air conditioning units. But traditional air conditioners and refrigerants contain fluorinated gases that can easily leak out and harm the ozone layer. Then there are the indirect emissions from the energy used to power the cooling unit to take into account.
In those regions, for example across Asia, manufacturers are still making and selling huge numbers of ordinary aircon units. Refrigeration and air conditioning might even stack up to as much as two-fifths of south east Asia’s electricity demand by 2040, according to one report. Fast economic growth, more wealth and high populations also have an impact, making Asian countries even more reliant on cooling systems. As things get ever-warmer, the negative impact of this old fashioned, energy-inefficient technology is becoming even greater.
According to the
World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2024 report,
climate change and the associated collapse of nature dominate the top five long term threats to humanity. But at the same time we can’t just stop using cooling tech. It’s vital to farming to ensure food security, to healthcare settings, factories, shops, offices, data centres and more. And we’re not immune here in the UK. We too need to keep cool in a warming climate.
According to the Met Office the UK can expect warmer wetter winters, hotter drier summers, and more frequent and intense extremes, all made more likely by climate change. Take the weird ‘Spanish plumes’, which have already brought long periods of super-hot weather our way and are set to increase in frequency and severity, just one example of how things are changing on our island.
At the moment cooling contributes to 3.4% of global emissions. But there’s hope in the form of climate-friendly cooling like evaporative cooling which, as the International Energy Agency says, could help the world avoid over 460 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
In its latest report, called
Cooler Finance, the UN Environment Programme says that
"sustainable cooling technologies are accessible, affordable and scalable and minimize environmental impact, aiming for near-zero emissions cooling by 2050 through increasing the use of passive strategies for cooling, raising energy efficiency standards and rules for cooling equipment, and accelerating the phasing down of highly polluting refrigerants."
Our evaporative cooling units offer exactly that: a reliable, natural, extremely energy-efficient and climate-friendly way to slash your cooling costs and, at the same time, help tackle the climate crisis that’s making the future so uncertain for our children and future generations.
If you’re a forward-thinking business wanting to stay cool without creating more damage than necessary to the climate, evaporative cooling can deliver exactly what you need: a low-energy, low cost, low maintenance and highly effective technology that’s been around for thousands of years, harnessed in a clever way that blows traditional aircon units out of the water.