‘Fully Compliant with LOT 20, Eco Design Legislation.’
Every commercial building needs effective and efficient heating that uses green energy, complies with all current Eco Design Regulations, reduces carbon emissions and lowers previous energy bills. Every IntelliHeat electric radiator does all this for you and much more.
Intelli Heat Smart Radiators can be fitted to your solar panels, to utilise free energy, they can be programmed individually and independently for every hour of every day – so no need to heat places that are not being used on a daily, hourly or minute basis, and connected to your 3G or Wi-Fi, they can be controlled with a Free dedicated Heating management system by any laptop or smartphone from anywhere in the world!
Cool Tech Ltd are also experts when it comes to keeping your premises and staff warm in winter, with SMART programable and Wi-Fi controlled heating systems using RADIANT HEAT that is at least 30% more efficient than any current fossil fuelled system, or storage heat method, which will reduce your energy bills AND your company’s carbon footprint – for good!
Both these state-of-the-art commercial electric radiator systems are fully compliant with ALL UK AND EU SAFETY LEGISLATION including ECO DESIGN LOT 20. Control every radiator individually from the comfort of your office in HQ, or from your laptop, tablet or smart phone, while you are on other locations. No more need to physically turn dials and switches – it can all be controlled on one central APP dashboard, giving you TOTAL CONTROL of the temperature to +/- 0.1 Degree in EVERY room/location in every building.
All INTELLI HEAT Ecodesign Radiators are manufactured and tested to the highest standards. Every electric radiator is designed to deliver Efficiency, Control, and Comfort to its user. Fully accredited to UKCA, CE Certifications, British Standards, NF *** rated energy Performance accreditation , it also complies to all relevant legislative requirements such as NEW Building Regulations Part L1 and L2 (Energy efficiency requirements in the Building Regulations), and the Eco-Design “Lot 20” Directive 2018.
New regulations Part L1 and 2 enforcing lower temperature settings are radically changing the future of electric heating
and Intelli Heat ranges deliver total compliance, carbon neutral emissions and maximum energy efficiency.
Choose from IntelliHeat thermodynamic electric radiators that heat up fast and can detect movement in the room and
switch OFF when no one is there . Or select one of the Creative Radiators stylish Italian designers styles.
iSense wifi Electric Radiators
iSense WIfi Electric Radiators and the dedicated heating management App, fully complying with Legislation LOT 20 Eco Design.
Wi-fi connected through your wireless router without any additional hub gives you online Intelligent Heating Control and energy consumption monitoring up to 1,000 Radiators and 100 Zones.
The iSense range was designed to the key principles of the ErP (Energy-related Products) Ecodesign Legislation Regulations 2018
Cali Sense Electric Radiator
Cali Sense ensures a perfect combination of performance and economy. Packed with state of the art features like real time energy consumption indication,occupancy detection and pin code locking mode. The Cali Sense Premium Aluminium Electric Radiator is the perfect choice for private, commercial and rented properties.
The integration of Lot 20 EcoDesign saving features provide our customers with up to 35% energy saving as compared to old storage heaters, panel heaters, oil, lpg boilers.
Bespoke Designer Radiators
Decorative Radiators for your Home | Exclusive Italian Designer Radiators Range. Conceived as a state-of-the-art home decoration element as well as a form of electric heating in its own right.
Controlled using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth by our intuitive heating app, available in six different outputs and can also be customised using a great selection of available colours.
With Creative Radiators your interior design is only limited by your imagination, ugly white radiators are history.
Electric Heating Management System
Our cloud-based heating management system accurately monitors and diagnoses customers’ installations based on live data. Cool-Tech’s technical engineers can program, monitor and view all data off-site and advise clients accordingly. Our Cloud-based Heating Management system help saving energy consumptions and going greener. Be part of our game changing Heating Management and save up to 35% on energy bills.